What is cardamom? Want to learn more, read on.

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What is cardamom? It is a spice made from the seeds of pods from various plants in the ginger family.  There are two main types, black and green. There is also white but this is a bleached version of green.

Green cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) is used mostly in Nordic and Middle Eastern cuisine.  It is also knows as “true” cardamom.  It is the most common variety that people see and know.  The black version has less flavour and is grown in tropical areas including India, Malaysia and Costa Rica.

Black cardamom (amomum subulatum) has larger pods that are dark brown.  It has smokey tones in its flavour making it ideal for savoury dishes.  It is grown in the eastern Himalayas. 

Cardamom is used in all kinds of dishes from curries and savoury dishes to baked goods and even drinks like hot cider and egg nog. The ground version can be found in spice mixtures such as garam masala. 

What are some of the health benefits of cardamom?

  1. It has antioxidant and diuretic properties.
  2. This spice may help with digestive problems such as ulcers.
  3. It may treat bad breath and help prevent cavities.
  4. It may improve breathing and oxygen use.
  5. The extract may prevent anxious behaviours.

While it is common to use this spice in cooking it’s also an ingredient in baking. Finnish cardamom cookies were such a surprise when I first tried them. I first found them at the Ottawa Organic Farmers’ Market. I eventually found a great recipe that turned out quite well. Certainly worth giving Finnish Cardamom Cookies a try.


  1. What Is Cardamom?, URL: https://www.thespruceeats.com/all-about-cardamom-995599
  2. 10 Health Benefits of Cardamom, Backed by Science, URL: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/cardamom-benefits
  3. What are the health benefits of cardamom?, URL: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326532
  4. 11 Evidence-Based Benefits Of Cardamom, URL: https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/herbs-and-spices/health-benefits-of-cardamom.html
Lani and Norm
Lani and Norm

I enjoy learning and sharing that knowledge. Sharing has been in many forms over the years, as a teaching assistant, university lecturer, Pilates instructor, math tutor and just sharing with friends and family. Throughout, summarizing what I have learnt in words has always been there and continues to through blog posts, articles, video and the ever growing forms of content out there!

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