A Sunny Sunday Visit to the Arnprior Farmers Market

…Heritage, Arnprior Where the River Meets, URL: https://www.arnprior.ca/en/recreation-and-culture/history-and-heritage.aspx Arnprior, The Canadian Encyclopedia, URL: https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/arnprior Arnprior Market, Arnprior Where the River Meets, URL: https://www.arnprior.ca/en/recreation-and-culture/arnprior-market.aspx Arnprior, Taste of the Valley, URL: https://www.totv.ca/farmers-markets/arnprior/…

FAQ, Tea Terms, and Food Glossary

…the tea processing facility.   References: Tea 101 – Introduction to tea, Academy of Tea, URL:  https://academyoftea.org/tea101/  Tea Terminology, Teatulia, URL: https://www.teatulia.com/tea-101/what-is-tea/tea-terminology.htm Glossary of Terms, The Tea Association of the USA, Inc. URL: http://www.teausa.com/14656/glossary-of-terms…

Matcha Cookies and the different grades of matcha

…References: Green Tea Matcha Cookies, Ahu Shahrabani, March 2016,  AHU eats, URL: http://www.ahueats.com/2016/03/green-tea-matcha-cookies.html Discover the different grades of matcha green tea powder, Epic Matcha, URL: https://epicmatcha.com/matcha-green-tea-powder/ How to measure Butter, dairygoodness.ca, URL: https://www.dairygoodness.ca/butter/butter-tips-tricks/how-to-measure-butter…