Fish Salad
This is a slightly different salad and a version of something my mother showed me years ago. It started out as a cooked dish then chilled and eaten cold. As usual, the additions to the main ingredient, fish, can be changed, added to or substituted. Some example of additions and/or substitutions are, green pepper, parsley, coriander, green onions, anything else you can think of!
The dressing can also be modified and adjusted depending on your taste. Depending on the quantity of salad you end up with, you may need more or less dressing to coat the salad sufficiently. This is again depending on your taste. But, additions spices or flavor can be added to the dressing. For example, chili pepper, herbs, fruit, seeds etc.
Fish Salad
Dressing ingredients
- 1/5 c olive oil
- 1/5 c vinegar
- 1/10 c maple syrup ( or to taste)
- 1 lbs white fish (e.g. cod, talipia, haddock etc. Cooked and cooled.)
- 1 onion chopped
- 4-5 cloves garlic chopped
- 1/2 each of red, yellow, orange peppers (chopped)
- 1/2 c olives (green or black, halved)
- 1 c tomatoes (cherry tomatoes halved)
- Take white fish and bake in oven at 375F until done, about 20 minutes.
- Once fish is cooled, put a bit of olive oil in a fry pan. Heat oil then add the onions and garlic and fry until golden brown.
- Add cooked fish. Quickly fry fish while mashing it up into little bits.
- Mix remaining salad ingredients into fry pan with mashed fish.
- Once all ingredients are well mixed, remove fry pan from heat.
- Mix dressing ingredients together really well. (Dressing ingredients can be found below in notes.)
- Pour dressing over fish salad and combine well until dressing is incorporate completely with salad.
- Chill fish salad and then serve.
rice salad
I have had quinoa salads, bulgar salads. I was thinking that any grain could probably be used to make a salad. I don’t eat a lot of rice but I have rice. Given we’re in the age of social distancing and there are line ups everywhere, I started using everything in my cupboards before doing groceries. Rice salad was born. The above ingredient list can be modified, whether added to or substitutions. Some example of additions and/or substitutions are, tofu, tempeh, red, yellow or orange pepper, beets, radishes, cucumbers, carrots, apples, pumpkin seeds, pecans, green onions, anything else you can think of!
The dressing can also be modified and adjusted depending on your taste. Depending on the quantity of salad you end up with, you may need more or less dressing to coat the salad sufficiently. This is again depending on your taste. But, additions spices or flavor can be added to the dressing. For example, chili pepper, herbs, fruit, seeds etc.
Dressing recipe
- 1/5 c olive oil
- 1/5 vinegar (white, apple cider, balsamic, white or red wine vinegar, flavoured vinegars etc)
- 1/10 c maple syrup ( or to taste)
- 1 c cooked rice (cooled)
- 1/2 c olives (green or black halved)
- 1/2 c tomatoes (cherry tomatoes, halved)
- 1/2 c green pepper (chopped)
- 1 c tofu (diced)
- 1 handful cilantro (chopped)
- 1/4 c dried cranberries
- 1/4 c chopped walnuts
- 1 tbsp sesame seeds
- Mix all salad ingredients together.
- Mix all dressing ingredients together. (Dressing ingredients can be found in the notes.)
- Combine dressing and salad together until entire salad is well coated with dressing.
bean salad
The ingredients in this bean salad are quite flexible. You can more or less depending on what you have in your cupboards and fridge. I also go by colour aiming for a new colourful salad that incorporates a variety of colours all from healthy foods. Some other possible additions or substitutions are, tofu, tempeh, red, yellow or orange pepper, beets, radishes, cucumbers, carrots, apples, pumpkin seeds, pecans, any anything else you can think of!
The dressing can also be modified and adjusted depending on your taste. Depending on the quantity of salad you end up with, you may need more or less dressing to coat the salad sufficiently. This is again depending on your taste. But, additions spices or flavor can be added to the dressing. For example, chili pepper, herbs, fruit, seeds etc.
Dressing Ingredients
- 1/5 c olive oil
- 1/5 c vinegar
- 1/10 c maple syrup
- 1 can beans (black, white, red, chick peas etc)
- 1 can kernel corn
- 1/2 c olives (black or green)
- 1 c tomatoes (cherry, chopped in half)
- 1/4 c dried cranberries
- 1 tbsp sesame seeds
- 1/2 c green pepper (chopped)
- 1 handful cilantro (chopped)
- 1/8 c chopped walnuts
- Mix all salad ingredients together.
- Mix dressing ingredients together, really well. (Ingredients can be found in notes.)
- Pour dressing over salad and combine until dressing is incorporated very well with salad.
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