Desserts Recipes Tea

How do you make a perfectly spiced chai bread pudding?

Estimated read time 4 min read

I thought a chai bread pudding would be amazing. Soaking the stale, old bread in some strongly brewed chai; adding chai spices like cinnamon, cloves, cardamom and ginger to the bread pudding itself to get that chai spice flavour. Below is my attempt at a chai flavoured bread pudding. Note that the amount of “chai spices” added is a personal thing. My goal is to always get the flavour of the tea somewhere in the recipe. The sauce recipe is modified from an existing bread pudding sauce recipe. It is a work in process and will continue to be refined as the desired strength of the chai flavour wasn’t quite there for me. However, there was hint of it.

Desserts Fruit Recipes Tea

Try this wonderful peach tea trifle recipe this summer

Estimated read time 4 min read

Trifles are a great, light dessert for the summer full of fruit and cream. It’s great in the summer because that’s usually when we get fresh fruit. This year peaches were really good so I tried a peach and strawberry trifle. Usually there is some alcohol in a trifle. The English are always trying to get some alcohol into their cooking where ever they can! All the tea and biscuits you associate with the English and not a lot of tea in their cooking. Strange. Anyway, I decided to use tea instead of alcohol in this recipe. Normally you’d soak the sponge cake in some kind of alcohol but in this recipe I decided to use tea. In this case I chose a Peach tea I bought this summer in PEI but any tea could be used! The idea is to get some tea flavour in there.

Fruit Recipes Salads

Try this beautiful tea infused fruit salad

Estimated read time 3 min read

I like fruit and berries in particular. But sometimes just eating fruit plain, while very enjoyable, can get tiresome. I found this great fruit salad recipe a few years ago that everyone I make it for, really enjoys. The addition of mint in particular seems to add a refreshing taste and reminder for people. The recipe is below and is from Once Upon a Chef in the references. My take on this would be the modified version where instead of orange or lemon juice added, a cold brew tea and tea leaves are added instead.

Reference Tea

Join me on the my Maritime tea run

Estimated read time 9 min read

I think a “tea run” should be a thing because I seem to have done my first “official” tea run this summer. I went to the Maritimes, (Nova Scotia, PEI and New Brunswick, Canada) this summer for a few weeks and decided along the way I would see what kinds of tea I find. I wasn’t expecting to find much in terms of interesting tea, tea shops or teaware. But I was pleasantly surprised! Below I tried to highlight some of the teas and places I found tea along my trip in no particular order. I’m sure I missed some as I seem to have more tea than what is listed below! I’ve included links where appropriate, either to the tea room or tea shop where I found the tea or to the site of that particular business. I’ve also tried to include the location,or at least the city, where the business from or where I found the tea. I don’t think I’ve tried all the teas in my “Maritime tea stash” yet, but I’m slowly getting through it!

Cookies Tea

Have you ever tried chai chocolate chip cookies?

Estimated read time 5 min read

This recipe is a modification of the grand prize winner of the chocolate chip cookie contest in the reference below, [1]. This book was given to me by my mother years ago when I was still in university and exploring baking recipes. I’ve been wanting to really get that chai flavour into some recipes and I’m hoping I got it in this recipe. It smelled like chai in the kitchen when I was making the cookies and then when they came out of the oven all baked, very chai smelling. Even that first bite of the first cookie out of the oven had that sweet yet spicy taste that you get from a chai latte.

Desserts Recipes Tea

Try the delightful taste of this matcha tiramisu recipe

Estimated read time 5 min read

I’m not coffee drinker or lover so the coffee based desserts were never my favourite. This included well loved desserts liked Tiramisu. But, when this Matcha Tiramisu recipe was brought to my attention, I thought this may be worth trying. And I did! Very exciting results and yummy too!